Monday, August 22, 2011

My Cornerstone

Well, OK it is not just my Cornerstone it’s for anyone and everyone, just for the asking. Ever since I joined the Cornerstone Women’s Job Corp it has been like I have been blessed with not just one angel but several Angels. I am pretty sure that is one of the work requirements, hahaha. Most of the people who work there are not even paid employees, they are Volunteers. WOW How special is that! I bet you do not know to many Volunteer Angels! If you want to be one or see one just go visit or and check them out or to learn more about their services go on line: Let me how that works out for you ok. 

I made this for a card a while ago but I think it fits. Have a great day and think good thoughts.  


melissaQ said...

Verrrrry NICE! great job. Cant wait to see more of your work.

Jacqueline said...

This is very pretty. Thank you for filling in the comment form on my web site - your digi download should be on it's way to you. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with it - bye for now - Jacqueline xx

Unknown said...

Thank You ladies.